
Digestive (14)

This directory is a variety of digestive tract associated with endoscopic medical devices.

1.0mm Biopsy Forceps (CE MDR Certificate)

Intended use:

This device is used endoscopically to obtain mucosal tissue biopsies. Sterile, for single-use.


  • The jaws are made from medical stainless steel, and the head is carefully polished so that less damage is made to endoscope channel;
  • Special processing of the cutting edge makes it sharp, consistent with each other, and sampling easily and reliably;
  • Laser welding ensures high connection strength between components;
  • Ultra smooth plastic layer of spring effectively reduces the damage to endoscope channel;
  • Optimal design of handle makes the open or stop limit very clear and feels comfortable;
  • Sterile package, disposable.


Model Jaws Diameter Channel I.D. Working Length Cups Shape Layer Needle







Alligitor Cups





FB-12N-B1 1800mm
FB-12U-B1 2300mm


E-Brochure of SpyGlass™ DS and SpyBite™ Biopsy Forceps From Boston Scientific

Intended use:

It is suitable for adults and adolescents in the dilation operation of digestive tract stricture under endoscopes.


  • The balloon can be gradually increased at three distinct diameters under specific pressure, providing much more choice for physicians.
  • Elastic soft tip design, which can smoothly enter into the target position with less damage.
  • Rapid drainage design helps to reduce surgery time.
  • Use imported material with high pressure resistance and safer dilation.
  • Thermostatic shaping after multi-wing pleating contributes to excellent resilience and flexible retreat from working channel.
  • Optimal design of the tube makes it smooth and of good elasticity, strong twisting resistance and easier passability.
  • The radiopaque markers on the both ends of the balloon can provide precise positioning under X-ray.
  • Pre-input 0.035” guide wire with soft tip and mark, which is easier to estimate the length of the inside guide wire.

Intended use:

It is used for the expansion and treatment of esophagus and cardia.


  • Made by medical polymer materials with proper softness.
  • Anti-shedding design, more safety and reliable.
  • The front cone angle is manufactured by mechanized processing. With smooth transition, it can be inserted into the narrow parts successfully.
  • Two radiopaque marks on both ends make it easy to observe under X-ray.
  • Print scales on both sides, allowing the physicians to identify the insertion length.

Intended use:

This device is mainly used to remove bile duct stones or foreign bodies in upper and lower digestive tract.


  • With injection port in handle, it is convenient to inject contrast medium smoothly.
  • Excellent delivery performance makes it easier to reach the target.
  • Push-pull handle together with rotatable design makes stone grabbing more easy and effective.
  • Diamond shape basket is easily to grab and release, especially for repeat use.
  • Memory alloy design of basket ensures that it can remain original shape after sophisticated stone removal.
  • Three different types of basket are available to meet clinical requirements, including diamond, spiral and oval shape.

Intended use:This device is mainly used for adults and adolescents in the dilation operation of digestive tract stricture under endoscopes.


  • 3-stage Dilation Balloon Catheter has three distinct diameters at three separate pressures during in vivo dilation, thus can achieve three kinds of conventional non compliant balloon dilation effect;
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